MU Legend

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MU Legend is a free-to-play MMORPG developed by Webzen and the followup to MU Online. A fantasy hack ‘n’ slash game, MU Legend is based on Unreal Engine 3 and shares features from its predecessor, such as the UI and controls. There are four playable character types available for play: Dark Lord, Whisperer, Blader, and War Mage. Dark Lords are former knights who gave up their humanity in exchange for power, making them capable of only cold reasoning. Whisperers harness the energy of nature and excel at stealth. Bladers were created as protectors and are brutal warriors fighting as representatives of the lower class. War Mages are exiles, removed from society after their abilities became too powerful. The game offers a variety of content for players from several dungeons to a guild system and even an arena.

Platform: Windows

Publisher: VALOFE

Developer: VALOFE

Release Date: 2017-03-23

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